
“Water dowsing” refers in general to the practice of using a forked stick, rod, pendulum, or similar device to locate underground water, minerals, or other hidden or lost substances, and has been a subject of discussion and controversy for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

Although tools and methods vary widely, most dowsers (also called diviners or water witches) probably still use the traditional forked stick, which may come from a variety of trees, including the willow, peach, and witchhazel. Other dowsers may use keys, wire coat hangers, pliers, wire rods, pendulums, or various kinds of elaborate boxes and electrical instruments.

In the classic method of using a forked stick, one fork is held in each hand with the palms upward. The bottom or butt end of the “Y” is pointed skyward at an angle of about 45 degrees. The dowser then walks back and forth over the area to be tested. When she/he passes over a source of water, the butt end of the stick is supposed to rotate or be attracted downward.

Water dowsers practice mainly in rural or suburban communities where residents are uncertain as to how to locate the best and cheapest supply of groundwater. Because the drilling and development of a well often costs more than a thousand dollars, homeowners are understandably reluctant to gamble on a dry hole and turn to the water dowser for advice.

A dowsing tool is simply a read-out, interface, or communication device. It’s being said that it is either being controlled by your subconscious, or in a more scientific way, by magnetic fields; as all objects have magnetic fields as a result of their elementary particles spinning. Briefly explained, here are some of the most common uses of dowsing or divining rods: Water witching and divining, ghost hunting, energy healing, finding lost objects, dowsing for gold and yes or no questions. A dowsing tool is simply a read-out, interface, or communication device. It’s being said that it is either being controlled by your subconscious, or in a more scientific way, by magnetic fields; as all objects have magnetic fields as a result of their elementary particles spinning. Briefly explained, here are some of the most common uses of dowsing or divining rods: Water witching and divining, ghost hunting, energy healing, finding lost objects, dowsing for gold and yes or no questions.

Dowsing Rods Copper – Made in USA – 99.9% Pure Copper – Water Divining, Energy Healing, Paranormal, Gold, Yes No Questions. Instructions and Bonus Pendulum.

Magickal Cashbook: Attract Money Fast With Ancient Secrets And Modern Wealth Magick

Magickal Cashbook: Attract Money Fast With Ancient Secrets And Modern Wealth Magick

What would you do if the money you want actually came into your life? You just may have to decide.

Making money with magick doesn’t have to be baffling. But you should know, this doesn’t work for everybody. This is safe, effective magick, and as you can see from the reviews, it works well for most people. But it works best when you have a calm, casual confidence, rather than a desperate need. If you demand that magick proves itself to you, the magick will fall flat. If you perform this simple magick with calm confidence, it can work for you, as it does for most people.

Don’t buy the book if it’s going to be a financial burden to you. Although magick can release money for those who are ready to receive, magick amplifies your emotions. If the cost of a small book makes you flinch, that feeling of loss and lack might transfer to your magick. Wait until you feel free enough, and confident enough, to use this magick.

If you want to investigate an occult power that works, this mix of ancient symbols and modern secrets can get money flowing into your life.

Author Damon Brand says, ‘Believe it or not, most money magick doesn’t work. I’ve used just about every ritual, chant or spell you can imagine. Money magick was always the most difficult to master, until I discovered a heartwarming secret.’

Damon Brand has taken the best parts of this secret system and turned it into a series of steps that get money magick working for you fast.

Uncover three keys for making magick work

Discover the secret sigil that brings you money

Attract the steady bursts of income you need

Discover the Words of Power that bring this magick to life

The reviews say it all. This magick works for most people, which is quite amazing. If it doesn’t work straight away, you’ll find many articles on The Gallery of Magick website that can help you get past your financial blocks. If you’re relaxed about money magick, it can be quite thrilling. The magick itself is extremely easy to perform.

Can you imagine what it would be like to feel your magick working? Don’t wait for things to change. Use magick and make the changes you want now.

The Craft – A Witch’s Book of Shadows By Dorothy Morrison

The Craft – A Witch’s Book of Shadows

Celebrate the changing of the seasons and the beauty and power of the Moon, the Stars, and the Sun. Written by a Witch who has spent many years teaching the Craft of Wicca to newcomers, this introductory guide presents everything you need to know for successful witchery, including:

·An essential set of instructions and guidelines for beginning the practice of the Ancient arts
·An overview of Wiccan beliefs, laws, rules, and principles
·Directions for creating and using basic tools of the Craft–athame, wand, cup, pentacle, cauldron, broom, black mirror, and meditation
·Easy-to-follow instructions for altar setup, circle-casting, building power, Deity invocation, and more
·An assortment of miscellaneous spells, chants, and invocations for a variety of purposes

Walk the path of the Witch-live in harmony and balance, and discover the sacred within the natural world with The Craft.

Why your spells may not work?

5 Reasons Spells Do NOT Work ~ The White Witch Parlour

Published on Sep 14, 2016

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Handmade potions, candles & incense available on my website:

Doing Magick Accidently, Have You?

If you have every wished, hoped, envisioned something to happen, have you done what some call Magick. 🙂 Perhaps Yes.

Have you ever been wronged, and prayed that someone get their just rewards?  Would you be praying to God that someone be harmed, or would you be casting a spell?

Someone breaks a window and you hope they fall in a ditch.  You come home after a hard days work and light a candle, and think about what you would like to happen tomorrow.  Magick

Accidental Magic (Berkley Sensation)

Money Spells

Published on Jan 2, 2018

Money Spells #1. A simple money spell that you can use to obtain a specific amount of money, find employment, attract customers to a business.

Whatever you desire, focus on the 1 (one) goal and use this spell as a template!

Open Me:

You will need: 1 green candle (can substitute either yellow or even the all-purpose “white” candle).

Cinnamon incense (or any other money-attractor incense) and holder.

Chamomile (tea)

Bowl where you have poured boiled water and added some of the chamomile to infuse it.


Pen/pencil to write your petition (goal) and a piece of paper (can be torn from a brown paper bag or plain white paper).

Optional: also add something that symbolizes “celebration” to you – because as part of the spell you are going to celebrate you already “got” the desires of your heart. I use champagne in this example but you can use anything that you equate with celebrations of important accomplishments.

Tips: after the candle finishes burning you can simply dispose of any remaining wax in the trash – or do as I did, keep a bit of it on your altar as a reminder that you have put into action into the universe your desires.

Then go out there and put some ACTION behind your spell! If seeking employment and lighting this candle for employment the very next day start handing out your resume and applying for jobs.

If its’ a business learn new marketing methods and put them into practice to so as to attract new customers. Etc.

Note: this was a live presentation of an actual spell I cast for myself.


Thank you for watching! If you want to see more money spell videos please give this a “like”.

Magick is….